In a recent article posted in The Seattle Times, NORML Women of Washington have experienced first hand how the policy Facebook uses is at best, unfair, and at worst, a violation of our 1st Amendment.
NORML Women regularly posts news articles, research discoveries, and opportunities for the public to speak at elected representatives. They don’t sell products. These posts are only as effective as the people they reach and Facebook knows that. Recently, the group was sent as email to encourage them to boost posts and when they offered NORML Women $20 in free credits to boost, they took it. After 2 rounds of approvals by Facebook the post went live.
Within 2 hours Facebook took down the post and retracted the credits for violating Facebook’s policy of prohibited content. The post in question criticized US Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statements about marijuana and asked American citizens to share solid facts about marijuana. NORML Women was never allowed to appeal the decision and no review was available.
The freedom to assemble is one that social movements need in order to speak up against social injustices and in the new millennium, social movements and assembly happen online. Courts have required corporations to be bound to protect those rights set forth in the Constitution.
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